Mary Soler is an author, speaker, and Bible teacher with more than 26 years of experience presenting in-depth, large-group Bible curriculum for Community Bible Study (CBS) and local churches. Mary has served in a variety of roles for CBS, including Los Angeles Area Director, Teaching Director and Founding Director in which she established new CBS classes in California and Pennsylvania. Mary is known for her accurate Bible exposition and keen eschatological understanding of biblical concepts, prophecy, and history.
From 2006 to 2008, Mary and her husband, Joseph, hosted a weekly radio broadcast called Return of the King. This teaching series walked radio listeners through prophetic, End-Times Scriptures, delving into the depths of Revelation and Daniel. The radio broadcast served listeners in Ventura, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks and Santa Barbara, California, on KDAR FM.
Mary is passionate about discipling followers of Christ. She delights in seeing believers grow in their love and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mary is a graduate with distinction of California State University, Long Beach with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business. A 9-year professor in the California Community College System, Mary holds a lifetime teaching credential.
Mary and Joseph have been married for more than 41 years and are blessed with three children and five grandchildren. Originally from Southern California, they now reside in a suburb of San Antonio, Texas.
about splendid day
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.
- Matthew 24:44
When Jesus ascended to Heaven over 2,000 years ago, He left with a promise to return for His Church, the Bride. Ancient Hebrew wedding tradition reveals the blueprint for this long-awaited event. While no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will gather His people in the air to Himself, prophetic happenings indicate that the day of the Rapture is coming soon. As glorious as that sounds—in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, Jesus reveals that only half who watch and wait will be prepared.
On that SPLENDID DAY, when Christ returns for His Church, will YOU be ready?
Through biblical teaching, personal testimony and practical application, Splendid Day: How to Live Expectant and Ready to Meet Jesus explains, encourages, and equips the reader to be ready for the Lord’s Rapture, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, and the reign of Christ that will follow. Author Mary Soler presents an inspiring overview of prophetic truths from the Old and New Testaments to paint a thoroughly biblical picture of what is to come.
You’ve been invited to the heavenly Celebration! Will you answer the call, or will you be left behind? Secure your seat for the Heaven-bound flight of the Rapture by receiving Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior and discover how to live expectant and ready to meet Jesus when He returns.
That Splendid Day is closer than ever before!